Self Injury Counselling Online

Therapist 1 of 1

Tracy Dickens

Tracy Dickens

Relational & Systemic Counsellor & Supervisor of 20+ years'

Seeking help for various events or challenges in your life is a courageous step, and it's normal to feel overwhelmed. It's important to find an approach that suits you and helps you gain insight and address your unique challenges. Your agency, autonomy, and safety are crucial in this process.

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#DomesticAbuse #Familyfunctioning #Couples #Relationships #Neurodivergence #Invisible #Differences #Anxiety #Low #Mood #Loss #Bereavement #Trauma #Attachment #Stress #Bullying #SelfInjury #EmotionalRegulation #SafetyBehaviours #Communication #Selfworth #Selfconcepts #LifeTransitions

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